LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
LA PALMA NEW VOLCANO.- These pictures were taken from some thin sections made with piroclastic fragments erupted by the new volcano in Cumbre Vieja, La Palma Island.
In the pictures we can see small crystals of euhedral anphibole, and acicular clinopyroxene which crystalized in deep volcano, before to be erupted. The samples were collected on September 28, 2021.
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
NWA 7831 - DIOGENTE. The specimen is composed almost entirely of translucent,
yellow-green orthopyroxene with very sparse, tiny included grains of Ni-free
metal, troilite, chromite, anorthite, silica polymorph and clinopyroxene.
Secondary pale orange, clay-like deposits from terrestrial weathering are
present along thin fractures.
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
NWA 11273, LUNAR FELDSPATHIC BRECCIA.- Breccia composed of mineral clasts of anorthite, olivine,
exsolved pigeonite, pigeonite, augite, chromite, Ti-Cr-Fe spinel, kamacite,
taenite and troilite in a finer grained matrix containing small vesicles and
minor barite. Rare basalt clasts and glass fragments are also present.
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
AL HAGGOUNIA 001, EL3-6 IMB.- Rock Dominated by enstatite and plagioclase. Troilite, graphite
daubreelite, oldhamite, kamacite rich in Si and schreibersite are present.
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
MEDERDRA. RUMURUTITE R4-5 S2 W3.- Breccia containing chondrules and chondrule fragments
embedded in a fine-grained yellow-brown matrix. Opaque phases are chromite and
FeNi-sulfides. Metallic FeNi has not been found. Low-Ca pyroxene has not been
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
NWA 14005. LUNAR FELDSPATHIC BRECCIA.- This specimen is a breccia composed predominantly of
sub-angular to sub-rounded anorthitic clasts (up to ~1.5 mm) and isolated
mineral fragments of olivine and pyroxene set in a fine-grained matrix that
contains interconnected areas of shock melt veins and trace amounts of ilmenite
and troilite. Estimated modal abundances: Anorthitic plagioclase (90%), Olivine
(3%), Pyroxene (3%), Shock melt veins (3%), Opaques (1%).
LEGAL WARNING; All these pictures are protected by copyright. Its use without the author's permission will be prosecuted and denounced.
(c) JOSÉ GARCÍA / meteoriteslab.
NWA 14061. DIOGENITE.- Monomict breccia composed of up to 1 mm sized orthopyroxene
crystals in related fine-grained clastic matrix. Contains myrmekitic
intergrowth of silica and chromite. Minor phases include trolite, chromite, and
silica. No feldspar has been found in the section studied. The meteorite is
highly shocked and contains shock melt pockets.
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